Posted by - Feb 26, 2009

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Posted by On Feb 26, 2009

You better watch out,
You better bookmark,
You better ready your pics, cos I'm tell you why...

Snapshock is coming to town!!



Posted by StarryGift On Mar 20, 2009


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Friday, June 24, 2011

Airport checkpoint of the future

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HP, Cisco: Entering a new era in cloud computing

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Branch Holder Turns Dead Sticks Into Awesome Swords

The Branch Holder will turn little Johnny into Zorro. Photos: Naama Agassi

Opinion on Naama Agassi’s Branch Holder could go one of two ways. You could dismiss it, clucking like an exasperated aunt, calling it useless. Who needs a gadget to hold a branch after all?

Or you might take one look and wish that Agassi had made this 30-something years ago, when you were a kid (if you’re as old as me, that is). The Branch Holder is a rubber strip with two holes. You thread it onto a suitably straight stick and that stick instantly — and magically — becomes a sword, turning an otherwise average kid into a swashbuckling pirate, a samurai warrior or even (gasp) a ninja.

It also offers a measure of protection to the knuckles of dueling children, meaning one less scrape to clean up after a scrap. Sadly, Agassi’s invention is a concept design only, but that shouldn’t stop you. After all, anyone with enough imagination to believe a stick can be a sword has enough imagination to raid the kitchen and chop up some Tupperware.

Branch Holder [Naama Agassi via Andrew Liszewski via Fancy]

See Also:

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Life?s Too Short: Modular Silicone Kitchen Drawer Organizers

Make the end of your life seem to arrive sooner with these drawer organizers

Truth: My kitchen utensils are “organized” into two shallow wooden wine crates. One for cutlery, tho other one for everything else. There are no compartments, sections or organizational niceties whatsoever. I figure that when you need a knife and a fork, its just as easy to pick them from a pile. This approach also makes it a lot quicker to put away washed cutlery.

So I couldn’t care less about DrawerDecor, but I know there must be somebody out there who actually wakes up in the night and has to go check their whisks and corkscrews are parallel before thy can sleep.

The DrawerDecor starts with a silicone drawer liner which can be cut to size. Onto this you stick a variety of modular “divits” which let you organize the space to keep your utensils neatly in check. Thus arranged, you can enjoy wasting an extra ten minutes putting thing just so, every time you unload the dishwasher.

The kits cost $25 each, come in a variety of candy colors and contain a mat and 15 assorted divits.

And before you tell me I should treat my knives better, I should say I have a magnetic knife holder on the wall. All my chef’s knives are in tip-top condition. Even my boner.

Available now.

DrawerDecor [Daily Grommet via Oh Gizmo]

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How dino proteins could survive

Cosmic Log: Scientists have discovered how bits of the protein collagen from dinosaurs that died millions of years ago might have survived in fossilized bones.Cosmic Log: Scientists have discovered how bits of the protein collagen from dinosaurs that died millions of years ago might have survived in fossilized bones.

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Scientists take dinosaur's temperature

Science editor Alan Boyle's Weblog: How warm was a dinosaur's blood? Researchers report that it was about as warm as ours, based on a chemical analysis of sauropod teeth, of all things.Science editor Alan Boyle's Weblog: How warm was a dinosaur's blood? Researchers report that it was about as warm as ours, based on a chemical analysis of sauropod teeth, of all things.

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Osama Bin Laden Wanted To Change Al-Qaida's Name

As Osama bin Laden watched his terrorist organization get picked apart, he lamented in his final writings that al-Qaida was suffering from a marketing problem. Perhaps what al-Qaida really needed was a fresh start under a new name.

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