Posted by - Feb 26, 2009

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Posted by On Feb 26, 2009

You better watch out,
You better bookmark,
You better ready your pics, cos I'm tell you why...

Snapshock is coming to town!!



Posted by StarryGift On Mar 20, 2009


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Friday, January 22, 2010

Gallery: E-Readers Push Boundaries of Books

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Electronic-book readers are red-hot. After a blockbuster 2009, during which an estimated 5 million devices were sold, a new batch of e-readers are waiting to burst into the spotlight.

The latest generation of devices are easy on the eye, lightweight and packed with some nifty features such as the ability to take notes, make lists and — for some — even watch video. They also offer far better battery life than any netbook or notebook, often come with an unlimited wireless connection for downloading new books, and give you access to libraries of e-books that can top a million titles. At the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this year, there were so many e-readers that they had their own special section carved out on the show floor.

But will the category remain as hot as it is now?

E-readers, as we know them now, are at a crossroads. Next week, Apple is expected to announce a new tabletlike device that could also be used to read digital books. It’s expected to have a color screen, not the monochrome E Ink display found on most e-readers. Apple is reportedly talking to publishers to bring e-books and magazines to the device.

Meanwhile, other computer manufacturers are showing tabletlike devices, which are also based on color LED or OLED screens.

A device with a color screen could really change the landscape. Add the ability to watch video, play games or download apps — which most e-readers can’t do — and e-readers could start to look pretty primitive by comparison.

Still, e-reader manufacturers have made a lot of strides in recent months. Amazon has even added an app store to the Kindle.

But before you decide to buy a Kindle, Nook or Sony Reader, flip through this gallery to see what will be in stores this year.

And keep in mind that an array of touchscreen tablets just might render the entire category obsolete overnight.

Above: Plastic Logic

The Cadillac of e-book readers, Plastic Logic’s Que proReader is a gorgeous but expensive device that promises to give you a “paperless briefcase.” The Que, which is targeted at business users, has an 8.5 x 11-inch touchscreen display and the ability to handle a range of documents such as Microsoft Word files, PowerPoint presentations, Excel spreadsheets, digital books, PDFs, magazines and newspapers.

The Que can even sync with your Microsoft Outlook account to pull in e-mails and calendar for display on the device. Feature-wise, it’s difficult to beat the Que. But the price tag is enough to make most people gasp.

But if you want one, be prepared to open your wallet wide.

The 4-GB version of the Que with Wi-Fi and storage for about 35,000 documents will retail for $650, and an 8-GB version, which includes 3G connectivity from AT&T, will cost $800. The Que will start shipping mid-April.

Photo: Jon Snyder/

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