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Posted by On Feb 26, 2009

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Snapshock is coming to town!!



Posted by StarryGift On Mar 20, 2009


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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Setting Fires With a Giant Electric Blower

This weekend, I’m going to be sparking up the grill with the Looftlighter, an electric firestarter that looks like an oversized curling iron, sounds like a hair dryer, and gets a good-sized pile of charcoal briquettes ready to grill in just a few minutes.

I’ll admit I was skeptical about the $80 Looftlighter, which comes from Sweden and whose name, I believe, must be pronounced with as much Nordic accent as you can muster. It’s basically an air blower tucked behind a heating element. The idea is that it delivers a focused blast of hot air out the front. It’s hardly the “flamethrower” I’d been led to believe it was, however, and an initial test in the Wired offices proved that it was incapable of doing much more than charring the edges of a business card.

Plus, it looks dorky and requires access to a three-prong 110v power outlet. Even with the built-in bottle opener on the bottom, this isn’t exactly a manly-man kind of gadget.

But I put my doubts aside and tested the Looftlighter on a couple of recent barbecuing occasions. To my surprise, it works.

The Looftlighter really does look like a curling iron. Photo courtesy Looft Industries

For the first twenty seconds, nothing seems to be happening. You have the ridiculous feeling that you’re blow-drying a pile of charcoal.

But then, the heating element inside turns cherry red, and in short order the edges of the briquettes start to glow.

Sixty seconds in, you start to see flames shooting out of the briquettes in all directions. Fan the Looftlighter back and forth, and it quickly heats up the entire pile.

Within two to three minutes, your pile of charcoal is hot and just about ready to cook: Each briquette is glowing red on the inside and coated with a fine layer of white ash. Perfect.

It may be dorky, and it’s not suited for camping or picnic use — but for starting charcoal grills at home, I have to reluctantly admit that the Looftlighter works pretty well.

And it would probably be just the thing for starting a one-briquette Altoids tin mini-grill.

Wired’s review: No More Gas-Tasting Burgers: Super-Heated Air Lights BBQ Fire

Top photo credit: Dylan F. Tweney /

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